Friday 14 June 2013

RITMES, TINTES & CORDES (Rhythms, inks & strings)

Ritmes, Tintes & Cordes. Girona Temps de Flors 2013. at Pati dels Amics del Museu d'Art de Girona.

On the 13th of May of 2013 I had the pleasure to perform with two good friends and musicians, Maria de Palol playing Cello, and Adrià Estarriola playing the Violin. Together, all three, we performed using the rhythm as the element in common with music and calligraphy.

The result was amazing, as experience was wonderful, in theory they were playing following my rhythm of writting, using the differents tools and rhythms, but look how deep is the music, that most time of the performance I was following them. I just let myself follow my calligraphy trough their music. was something reciprocal. Like the waves when reaches the beach, and it goes back.

We performed twice, we had one in the morning and another one at the afternoon. See how in the afternoon was everything more free.

Me and the musicians had a very nice experience and looking forward to do it again.



Thats all for now.

Tre Calligraphy